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Ideas for Lent 2025

Wondering what to do for Lent this year?

Here are some of our favorite ideas. If you have more, feel free to share in the comments!

To Do:

- read about a new saint each day!

- educate yourself through art, media, and testimonies about the lives of people who are different from you.

- create - whether it be the arts, food, experiences for others, or even small, simple changes.

- figure out better and more ways to use your gifts - figure out if you have gifts you didn’t even realize!

- tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. Write letters, prepare the right words, or just simply tell someone that you care. Pick one person for each day.

- find a way to be inspired by something new every day.

To Give Up:

- withholding compliments

- assuming the worst about others - and yourself

- your time by volunteering

- the comfort of beliefs you haven’t questioned in awhile

- forcing others to share your suffering (learn the difference between sharing your pain vs. trying to pull someone down to your level of pain to feel better)

- crankiness (or whatever it is that causes you to be cranky, if you can)

- if you’re giving up a treat or activity you love, I encourage you to go a step beyond and find how to also bring that thing to others... donate a bunch of it to a food pantry, send it in the mail to loved ones, or write a post about why others should try it and why it means so much to you. If this kind of sacrifice brings you closer to Christ in Lent, that’s great! But our world also needs more joy, so if you have something that brings you joy, please share it!

BONUS: Participate in Catholic Women Strike!


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