Born: Sept. 8th (Immaculate conception on Dec. 8th)
Died: Aug. 15th

FEast: Sunday after Christmas
Patrons of:
all families

The Holy Family
Devotion to the Holy Family has existed almost since the very beginning, and has resurfaced every so often with reminders from Popes and writers on the importance of family and good family role models.
We know that they trusted one another (Joseph agreeing to stick with Mary), protected one another (fleeing to Egypt), worried about one another (losing Jesus in the Temple), and were there for one another in the darkest times (Mary at Jesus' Crucifixion and death of Joseph).
This family likely felt every emotion and dealt with every trial that families still face today, and so it is comforting to know, as always, that we have saints on our side who know our struggles having lived them themselves.
You were imperfect, as all families are, but perfect in role modeling values for our own families. Help us to forgive each other, to strive to understand each other, to value each other, to see the dignity of each other, to want the best for each other, and to treat each other fairly and patiently. May our families be our peace and our homes.
Art Reflection
Most of all, I wanted the Holy Family to appear as natural as possible. They don't all have same style, expression, or maybe even the same thoughts going through their heads in this moment. That's always how it is with real families. But they are present with each other, and they hold each other and will continue to work, learn, and live together.