St. Mary
Mother of God
Born: Sept. 8th (Immaculate conception on Dec. 8th)
Died: Aug. 15th (Assumption)
FEast: January 1st
Patron of:
all humanity, mothers
Tradition holds that Mary, long before she was ever to know of her great purpose, was conceived without having Original Sin. She was the daughter of St. Anne, who wanted children but was barren and then promised Mary to God when she gave birth. We don't know anything of her life from that time onwards except that she had been engaged to Joseph until we hear of the angel Gabriel telling her she was to be Jesus' mother. After this, she visits her cousin Elizabeth who is also pregnant with John the Baptist, and we hear her beautiful words in the Magnificat.
The next thing we know is that she and Joseph must go to Bethlehem for the census, where Jesus is born in a stable because of the town being so full.
Not long after, the couple presents Jesus in the temple and then must flee with Jesus to Egypt to avoid the persecution and murder of babies by King Herod. They return to Nazareth, and Jesus goes missing for three days until they find him in the Temple speaking with the elders.
Between this time and the beginning of Jesus' ministry, St. Joseph likely passed away. We know nothing of Mary's life either until she instructs Jesus to do something at the Wedding at Cana, which becomes his first public miracle.
She likely followed him throughout his ministry, and was present at the Crucifixion, during which Jesus asked St. John to continue to care for her. She was with the Apostles at Pentecost and was likely at Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension as well.
One of the oldest Traditions holds that Mary was assumed completely - body included - into Heaven at the time of her death. This is celebrated with the feast of the Assumption.
She is known as Queen of Heaven and Queen of the Saints as the holiest of all human beings.
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Please aid us in our creation processes. Remind us who it is we are creating for and what we hope to change by creating, and may our work have the intended effect. Never let us forget this great power we have to be able to change the world through our ideas. help us also discover how to use our gifts, passions, and skills for good.
Art Reflection
This portrait of Mary was the first I created, and is based off of the simple portrait of a Syrian refugee. Her life as a refugee and sufferer were the main focuses of this specific icon. Despite her neutral and dingy clothing, she still wears a golden headband, symbolic of her dignity and heavenly crown.