Born: ~5-10
Died: ~60
FEast: Nov. 30th
Patron of: Fishermen, singers, miners, sore throats, fever, Scotland, Romania, Russia, Barbados, Ukraine, Greece, Georgia

St. Andrew
Andrew was born in Bethsaida in Galilee, the older brother of St. Peter and the son of man named Jonah. Andrew’s name is not Hebrew, but Greek, showing an openness in the culture of the family. The family trade was fishing, and it is while they are out fishing that they are called by Jesus. John’s Gospel also tells us that Andrew and Peter may have been disciples of John the Baptist, first, which is how they were able to recognize Jesus so quickly as the Messiah and follow him.
Andrew is not specifically mentioned much more in the Gospels, other than being the one to tell Jesus about the boy with the bread and fish preceding his miracle. Philip had to speak to Andrew first to ask Jesus a question, and he was also present at the Last Supper.
It is unclear exactly what Andrew did after Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Some say he went as far as Russia, others that he established the Church in Constantinople, and still others that he stayed in the region of the Black Sea, Greece, and Turkey.
Tradition holds that the Roman Governor Aegeas condemned him to Crucifixion in Patras. He was tied to an x-shaped cross (declaring himself unfit to die in the same way as Jesus). Relics that are supposedly his are still kept in Patras today, as well as in Italy and Poland.
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Like many of us, people have defined you by your profession for years. We just don’t get to know much more about you, other than that you were necessary for your role. You were loyal, faithful, and you persevered. If we feel there is nothing special about us, show us how much there truly is. Amen.
Art Reflection
As patron of sore throats, Andrew wears a turtleneck underneath his fisherman attire. He has a X pinned to his overalls as a symbol for the shape of the cross on which he died, and a fish hook in his hat. His hair also partially covers his eyes since we know hardly anything about him.